A planet's rotation determines the length of its day and its revolution determines the length of its year. A day on Earth is 24 hours, and a year on Earth is 365 days. In contrast, a day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus. Which is the best reason for why this is true?

5 points
The orbit of Venus takes it too close to the Sun .
It takes Venus longer to orbit the Sun than to rotate on its axis.
It takes Venus longer to rotate on its axis than to orbit the Sun
The orbit of Venus takes it too far away from the Sun .

It takes Venus longer to rotate on its axis than to orbit the Sun.

The best reason for why a day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus is because it takes Venus longer to rotate on its axis than to orbit the Sun.

The best reason for why a day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus is that it takes Venus longer to rotate on its axis than to orbit the Sun.

To determine the length of a day on a planet, we look at its rotation. A planet's rotation is the amount of time it takes for the planet to complete one full spin on its axis. In the case of Venus, it takes Venus longer to rotate on its axis compared to Earth, resulting in a longer day on Venus.

On the other hand, to determine the length of a year on a planet, we look at its revolution. A planet's revolution is the amount of time it takes for the planet to orbit around the Sun once. In the case of Venus, it actually takes less time for Venus to orbit the Sun compared to Earth. This means that Venus has a shorter year compared to Earth.

Therefore, the best reason for why a day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus is that it takes Venus longer to rotate on its axis than to orbit the Sun.