which of the following is a characteristic of a totalitarian government? (1 point)

free and fair elections
adherence to the rule of law
checks on power
lack of civil liberties

lack of civil liberties

The characteristic of a totalitarian government from the options provided is the lack of civil liberties.

A characteristic of a totalitarian government is a lack of civil liberties. To understand this, let me explain how to identify a totalitarian government.

Totalitarianism is a political system in which the government has total control over all aspects of public and private life. It is marked by an authoritarian regime that suppresses individual freedoms and seeks to control all aspects of society. Here's how you can identify a totalitarian government:

1. Lack of civil liberties: One key characteristic is the restriction or absence of civil liberties. These can include freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of association. In a totalitarian government, citizens often have limited or no rights to express their opinions or engage in political activities.

2. Manipulation of information: Totalitarian governments control the flow of information and often use propaganda to manipulate public opinion. They may heavily censor or restrict access to independent media, leading to limited access to diverse viewpoints.

3. Suppression of political opposition: Totalitarian governments typically do not tolerate political opposition and use various means to suppress it. This can include imprisonment, surveillance, harassment, or even violence against opposition leaders or activists.

4. State control of the economy: In many cases, totalitarian governments exercise significant control over the economy, including central planning or nationalization of industries. This allows them to control resources and influence economic outcomes for their own benefit.

5. Extensive state surveillance: Totalitarian governments often employ extensive surveillance systems to monitor their citizens' activities and enforce compliance with the regime's directives. This can include the use of advanced technology, such as mass surveillance programs or facial recognition systems.

Given these characteristics, the presence of free and fair elections, adherence to the rule of law, and checks on power are typically not found in a totalitarian government. To summarize, the correct characteristic of a totalitarian government from the options given is a lack of civil liberties.