Which is the BEST definition of Half-Life? a The half-life of a substance or element is the amount of energy it takes for all of the initial quantity of that substance or element to decay or transform into another substance. b The half-life of a substance or element is the amount of matter it takes for all of the quantity of that substance or element to decay or transform into another substance. c The half-life of a substance or element is the amount of time it takes for half of the initial quantity of that substance or element to decay or transform into another substance.

c The half-life of a substance or element is the amount of time it takes for half of the initial quantity of that substance or element to decay or transform into another substance.

c The half-life of a substance or element is the amount of time it takes for half of the initial quantity of that substance or element to decay or transform into another substance.

The best definition of half-life is option c: "The half-life of a substance or element is the amount of time it takes for half of the initial quantity of that substance or element to decay or transform into another substance."

To understand why this is the most accurate definition, let's break it down:

1. "The amount of time": Half-life is a measure of time, not energy or matter.

2. "It takes for half of the initial quantity": The half-life refers to the point at which exactly half of the initial quantity of a substance or element has undergone decay or transformation.

3. "To decay or transform into another substance": Half-life specifically relates to the decay or transformation of a substance or element into another substance. This can include radioactive decay, chemical reactions, or other natural processes.

This definition is widely used in fields such as nuclear physics, chemistry, and archaeology, as it accurately describes the phenomenon of decay and allows for accurate calculations and predictions based on the half-life of a substance or element.