Solve this problem. Reduce to lowest terms.

fraction numerator 7 over denominator 12 end fraction + fraction numerator 2 over denominator 5 end fraction =

To add the fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The common denominator for 12 and 5 is 60.

Converting the fractions to have a denominator of 60:
fraction numerator 7 over denominator 12 end fraction = fraction numerator (7 * 5) over denominator (12 * 5) end fraction = fraction numerator 35 over denominator 60 end fraction

fraction numerator 2 over denominator 5 end fraction = fraction numerator (2 * 12) over denominator (5 * 12) end fraction = fraction numerator 24 over denominator 60 end fraction

Now we can add the fractions:
fraction numerator 35 over denominator 60 end fraction + fraction numerator 24 over denominator 60 end fraction = fraction numerator (35 + 24) over denominator 60 end fraction = fraction numerator 59 over denominator 60 end fraction

The fraction 59/60 is already in its lowest terms.

To add fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The common denominator for 12 and 5 is 60.

Now, we will convert the fractions to have the same denominator.

The first fraction is 7/12. To convert it to have a denominator of 60, we multiply both the numerator and denominator by 5. This gives us 35/60.

The second fraction is 2/5. To convert it to have a denominator of 60, we multiply both the numerator and denominator by 12. This gives us 24/60.

Now, we can add the fractions:

35/60 + 24/60 = 59/60

The sum of the fractions is 59/60.

To solve this problem and reduce the fractions to their lowest terms, we'll follow these steps:

Step 1: Find a common denominator.
Step 2: Add the fractions together.
Step 3: Simplify the resulting fraction to its lowest terms.

Let's begin:

Step 1: Find a common denominator.
The denominators of the given fractions are 12 and 5. To find a common denominator, we need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of 12 and 5, which is 60.

Step 2: Add the fractions together.
To add the fractions, we need to make them share the common denominator of 60:
7/12 + 2/5

To convert 7/12 into a fraction with a denominator of 60, we multiply the numerator and denominator by 5:
(7 * 5)/(12 * 5) = 35/60

To convert 2/5 into a fraction with a denominator of 60, we multiply the numerator and denominator by 12:
(2 * 12)/(5 * 12) = 24/60

Now that we have both fractions with a common denominator, we can add them together:
35/60 + 24/60 = 59/60

Step 3: Simplify the resulting fraction to its lowest terms.
To simplify the fraction 59/60 to its lowest terms, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator, which is 1.

Dividing both the numerator and denominator by their GCD (1), we get the simplified fraction:

So, the sum of the fractions, when reduced to its lowest terms, is 59/60.