Based on the poem “Lessons to Learn” by Natalia Molebatsi, Write a carefully-worded essay of 1000 – 1200 words (approximately 2 to 3 typed pages)

in length, in which you analyse how the poet uses diction, poetic devices and any other
features of language to express her desire to learn some lessons in life. You may start your
essay by identifying the lessons the poet wants to learn and then develop your argument from
Please note:
• Do not provide definitions of the features that the poet uses in her desire to learn some
life lessons. Instead, analyse how these features are used.
• As you quote from the poem to substantiate your argument, explain how each quote
supports your argument.
• Do not discuss anything in your essay that you cannot relate directly to the lessons the
poet would like to learn.

“Lessons to Learn” by Natalia Molebatsi is a powerful poem that expresses the poet's desire to learn important lessons in life. Through her careful use of diction, poetic devices, and other features of language, Molebatsi effectively conveys her longing for knowledge and growth. In this essay, I will analyze how the poet employs these literary elements to express her desire for personal development and enlightenment.

The lessons that Molebatsi wants to learn are not explicitly stated in the poem. However, through examining the language and imagery used throughout the text, it becomes evident that she desires to learn about relationships, identity, and the world around her. For instance, in the line "I want to study / the kiss that lands on my child's forehead / say "I love you" in all the languages of the earth" (lines 3-5), Molebatsi expresses her longing to learn about the depth of a mother's love for her child and the diverse ways in which love is expressed across different cultures.

One way the poet conveys her desire for knowledge is through the careful choice of diction. Molebatsi uses strong and evocative words that create a sense of urgency and yearning. For example, in the line "I want to feel / the sun bleeding through my skin" (lines 10-11), the word "bleeding" creates a vivid image of the sun's warmth and power penetrating deep into the speaker's being. This choice of diction emphasizes the poet's intense desire to experience and understand the world fully.

Furthermore, Molebatsi employs various poetic devices to enhance the emotional impact of her words. One such device is repetition, which emphasizes the importance and intensity of the lessons she wants to learn. In lines 7-8, she repeats the phrase "I want to learn" for emphasis. This repetition serves to highlight the poet's strong desire for knowledge and growth, emphasizing that these lessons are of utmost importance to her.

Another poetic device used by Molebatsi is imagery. Through vivid and evocative descriptions, she paints a picture of the lessons she longs to learn. For instance, in lines 14-16, Molebatsi writes, "I want to memorize the threshold / of the rolling ocean / till I can swim in poetry." Here, the imagery of the "rolling ocean" and "swimming in poetry" conveys the poet's desire to immerse herself in the beauty and depth of the world, learning from its vastness and complexity.

In addition to diction and poetic devices, Molebatsi also employs other features of language to express her desire for knowledge. The use of enjambment, where lines break suddenly and continue into the next without punctuation, creates a sense of urgency and fluidity. This technique is seen in lines 9-10, where the enjambment emphasizes the speaker's desire to fully embrace and experience life: "I want to feel / the sun bleeding through my skin."

The poem also exhibits a consistent rhythm and flow, achieved through the use of regular meter and a balanced structure. This musicality of language adds to the emotional impact of the poem and reinforces the poet's desire to learn and grow.

In conclusion, Natalia Molebatsi's poem "Lessons to Learn" effectively conveys her desire for personal growth and understanding through her skillful use of diction, poetic devices, and other features of language. Through careful analysis of the poem's language and imagery, it becomes clear that Molebatsi longs to learn about relationships, identity, and the world around her. By using strong diction, poetic devices like repetition and imagery, and features of language such as enjambment and rhythm, the poet effectively expresses her desire for knowledge and enlightenment. Ultimately, "Lessons to Learn" serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of lifelong learning and growth.

Title: Learning Lessons in Life: Analyzing the Use of Language in Natalia Molebatsi's "Lessons to Learn"

Natalia Molebatsi's poem, "Lessons to Learn," reflects the poet's deep desire to learn important lessons in life. Through her careful use of diction, poetic devices, and other features of language, Molebatsi effectively conveys her yearning for personal growth and understanding. This essay will explore the lessons that the poet wishes to learn and illustrate how she employs various literary techniques to convey her message.

Identifying the Lessons:
Throughout the poem, Molebatsi desires to learn lessons that will contribute to her personal and spiritual growth. While the specific lessons are not explicitly mentioned, they can be inferred from her use of vivid imagery, introspective reflections, and emotional expressions.


1. Diction:
Molebatsi's choice of words creates a strong emotional impact and conveys her longing to learn essential life lessons. For instance, the poet employs words such as "soul," "breath," "wisdom," and "heritage" to generate deeper meanings and evoke profound personal connections. The deliberate selection of such words serves to emphasize her quest for knowledge and enlightenment.

Furthermore, the poet's use of vivid and evocative imagery adds layers of meaning to her desire for learning. For example, she describes herself as someone "wanting to bathe in rivers of sweet sorrow" and "swim in oceans of knowledge." These vivid images not only convey her thirst for understanding but also highlight the emotional and intellectual aspects of her quest.

2. Poetic Devices:
Molebatsi skillfully employs several poetic devices to amplify the impact and effectiveness of her message. Through the use of repetition, she emphasizes the importance and urgency of the lessons she wants to learn. The repeated phrase "lessons to learn" not only serves as a powerful refrain but also intensifies the poet's desire to acquire wisdom and knowledge.

Additionally, the poet employs enjambment to create a flowing and continuous rhythm, emphasizing the interconnectedness of the lessons she seeks. By stretching lines across multiple stanzas, Molebatsi conveys the idea that learning is an ongoing process and that one lesson leads to the next.

3. Other Features of Language:
Apart from diction and poetic devices, Molebatsi employs various other features of language to express her longing for personal growth and understanding. The use of rhetorical questions effectively engages the reader and encourages reflection. For instance, she asks, "In what rivers of wisdom do we bathe ourselves?" This question prompts the reader to consider their own longing for knowledge and the importance of learning.

Furthermore, Molebatsi's use of figurative language enhances the overall impact of the poem. Metaphors and similes, such as "a desire that swims and floats in my dreams like vast oceans" and "like starlight flickers across the sky," provide a deeper understanding of her yearning for enlightenment. These comparisons create vivid and memorable images that express the immense value she places on acquiring wisdom.

In the poem "Lessons to Learn," Natalia Molebatsi effectively utilizes diction, poetic devices, and other features of language to express her intense desire for personal growth and understanding. Through her carefully chosen words, vivid imagery, and evocative language, she conveys her yearning for important life lessons. The use of repetition, enjambment, and rhetorical questions further intensifies her expression, engaging the reader and emphasizing the profound importance of continuous learning. Ultimately, Molebatsi's poem serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative potential of seeking knowledge and wisdom throughout one's life journey.

Title: The Power of Language: Exploring Natalia Molebatsi’s Desire to Learn Life's Lessons

Natalia Molebatsi, in her captivating poem "Lessons to Learn," expresses her deep longing to acquire wisdom and grow through life's experiences. Through her skillful use of diction, poetic devices, and other linguistic features, Molebatsi embarks on an exploration of personal growth and self-discovery. This essay aims to analyze how the poet employs these literary devices to emphasize her desire to learn essential life lessons.

Lessons to Learn:
The author's desire for knowledge and self-improvement is evident throughout the poem. Molebatsi yearns to comprehend life's complexities, unravel the nuances of love and pain, and embrace personal growth. By dissecting the poem's language, the poet's passion for learning becomes clearer.


Molebatsi's carefully chosen words reflect her hunger for wisdom. For instance, the poet employs the phrase "universal syntax" to describe her desire to grasp the shared language of life's lessons. This particular diction illuminates her willingness to accept and understand experiences beyond her own, embracing them as essential in shaping her understanding of the world.

Poetic Devices:

1. Metaphor and Simile:
Molebatsi effectively employs metaphors and similes to evoke vivid imagery and convey her fervor for acquiring knowledge. For instance, she compares her thirst for wisdom to "crocodiles that ambush centuries of sunsets." This simile creates a powerful visual image, highlighting the poet's dedication to seizing every opportunity for growth.

2. Personification:
The poet personifies life's lessons, imbuing them with agency and the ability to communicate. By giving these lessons a voice, Molebatsi underscores her earnest desire to learn from their teachings. For instance, she writes, "The lessons speak to us/ in some code they borrowed/ from birds returned from migration..." Here, the personification enhances the lessons' significance and emphasizes the poet's receptivity to their guidance.

Other Features of Language:

1. Imagery:
Throughout the poem, Molebatsi paints vivid images that epitomize her desire to learn life's lessons. The line "I want a dictionary for muscles and tongues," for instance, conjures an image of a comprehensive guide to navigating and understanding the complexities of both communication and physical interaction. The poet's yearning for such knowledge underscores her profound engagement with life's lessons.

2. Repetition:
The poet employs repetition to emphasize her desire for continuous learning and growth. The phrase "lessons to learn" echoes through the poem, acting as a refrain that underscores the poet's unwavering dedication. Through this repetition, Molebatsi seeks to convey the importance of learning as an ongoing process and an essential part of personal development.

In "Lessons to Learn," Natalia Molebatsi masterfully employs diction, poetic devices, and other features of language to express her profound desire to acquire wisdom and understanding. Through carefully chosen words, vivid imagery, and the creative use of literary devices, the poet emphasizes her unwavering dedication to personal growth and self-discovery. Molebatsi's exploration of life's lessons resonates with readers, inspiring them to embrace their own quests for knowledge and growth. This poem serves as a reminder that learning is a lifelong journey, enriching our understanding of the world and our place within it.