Some behaviors able to increase stress a arguing with someone about what it’s causing stress, ignoring the stressful situation, being on realistic about what cannot be changed all the above

Yes, all of the above behaviors can increase stress.

Arguing with someone about what is causing stress can escalate the situation and add more tension. It can create conflict and make it difficult to find a solution or resolve the stressful situation.

Ignoring a stressful situation rather than addressing it can lead to increased stress as the problem remains unresolved. Ignoring the situation does not make it go away and can create more anxiety and pressure over time.

Being unrealistic about what cannot be changed can also contribute to stress. If someone expects or demands changes that are not possible or realistic, it can lead to frustration, disappointment, and increased stress levels. Accepting what cannot be changed and adjusting expectations accordingly can help in managing stress more effectively.

The above options mentioned are behaviors that can increase stress. Let's break them down step-by-step:

1. Arguing with someone about what is causing stress: Engaging in arguments about the source of stress can further escalate the tension and increase stress levels. This behavior can create additional conflicts and prevent finding solutions to address the underlying stressors.

2. Ignoring the stressful situation: Ignoring or avoiding a stressful situation might provide temporary relief, but it doesn't solve the problem. By ignoring the stress, it can continue to build up and worsen over time, leading to higher stress levels in the long run.

3. Being unrealisitic about what cannot be changed: Holding unrealistic expectations or beliefs about what can be changed in a given situation can contribute to stress. If the situation is beyond one's control, expecting it to change when it cannot be changed can lead to frustration, disappointment, and increased stress levels.

So, the correct answer is: All of the above behaviors can increase stress.

The sentence you provided seems incomplete. However, I assume you are asking which of the following behaviors can increase stress:

1. Arguing with someone about what is causing stress.
2. Ignoring the stressful situation.
3. Being unrealistic about what cannot be changed.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each option:

1. Arguing with someone about what is causing stress: This behavior can indeed increase stress. Engaging in arguments and disagreements can elevate emotional tension and worsen the overall stress levels.

2. Ignoring the stressful situation: Ignoring the situation may provide temporary relief, but it typically does not address the underlying causes of stress. By avoiding the issue, the stress may continue to build up over time, which can be detrimental to mental and physical well-being.

3. Being unrealistic about what cannot be changed: This behavior can also contribute to stress. Unrealistic expectations or refusing to accept circumstances that cannot be altered can create unnecessary pressure and frustration. It is essential to differentiate between what can realistically be changed and what is beyond our control.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is "all the above."