An extrovert enjoys solitude True or false

False. An extrovert is typically energized by being around other people and typically seeks out social interactions. They usually feel more recharged and fulfilled in social situations rather than being alone.

False. An extrovert generally enjoys being around other people and socializing, whereas solitude is typically preferred by introverts. However, it is important to note that everyone is unique, and there may be some extroverts who occasionally enjoy solitude as well.


An extrovert is typically defined as someone who gains energy from social interactions and enjoys being around other people. They tend to engage in activities that involve spending time with others, seek out social situations, and often feel energized by socializing. Solitude, on the other hand, refers to being alone or in a state of seclusion. While everyone, regardless of their personality type, may enjoy some alone time occasionally, extroverts generally find solitude less appealing and may feel drained or bored when spending too much time alone.

To answer this question, you can rely on the definition and common understanding of extroversion. It is important to note, however, that personalities can vary and that people may display traits of both extroversion and introversion to varying degrees.