what denminator for 21/3=40/_ would make these ratios proportional?

To make the ratios proportional, we need to find the denominator that would make the fractions equal when simplified.

First, simplify the given fraction 21/3, which equals 7.

So, we have 7/1 = 40/x.

To find the missing value, cross-multiply:

7x = 40*1

7x = 40

Finally, divide both sides by 7 to solve for x:

x = 40/7

Therefore, the denominator that makes the ratios proportional is 7, resulting in a fraction of 40/7.

To make the ratios proportional, we need to find the missing denominator.

Given: 21/3 = 40/_

First, cross-multiply the given ratios:

21 * _ = 3 * 40

Next, simplify the equation:

21_ = 120

Now, solve for the missing denominator by dividing both sides of the equation by 21:

_ = 120 ÷ 21

_ ≈ 5.71

Therefore, the missing denominator that would make the ratios proportional is approximately 5.71.

To make the ratios proportional, we need to find the missing denominator that would satisfy the proportion:

21/3 = 40/x

Firstly, let's simplify the given ratio:

21 ÷ 3 = 7

So, the ratio 21/3 is equal to 7. Now, we can rewrite the equation with the simplified ratio:

7 = 40/x

To find the missing denominator, we will cross-multiply:

7x = 40

To solve for x and determine the missing denominator, divide both sides of the equation by 7:

7x/7 = 40/7

x = 40/7

Therefore, the denominator that would make the ratios proportional is 7.