A student began tracking her exam grades and the amount of time spent on social media in the two weeks leading up to the exam. For every hour on social media, the student’s grade dropped 1.2 points. The highest score possible on any exam is 100.

Which equation can be used to find the student’s exam grade, y, after spending x hours on social media?

The equation that can be used to find the student's exam grade, y, after spending x hours on social media is:

y = 100 - 1.2x

The equation that can be used to find the student's exam grade, y, after spending x hours on social media is:

y = 100 - 1.2x

To find the student's exam grade, we need to use an equation that represents the relationship between the grade and the amount of time spent on social media.

According to the given information, for every hour on social media, the student's grade drops 1.2 points. This suggests a linear relationship between the grade and the amount of time spent on social media.

Let's assume the initial grade in the absence of any time spent on social media is 100 (the maximum score). As the student spends x hours on social media, the grade decreases by 1.2 * x points.

Therefore, the equation that represents this relationship can be written as:

y = 100 - 1.2x

In this equation, y represents the exam grade and x represents the number of hours spent on social media.