Carry out the indicated unit conversion. Round your answer.

Use a chain of conversions with familiar measures of time to convert 8 weeks into seconds.

To convert 8 weeks into seconds, we need to use a chain of conversions with familiar measures of time.

1 week has 7 days.
1 day has 24 hours.
1 hour has 60 minutes.
1 minute has 60 seconds.

So, to convert 8 weeks into seconds, we can multiply as follows:

8 weeks * 7 days/week * 24 hours/day * 60 minutes/hour * 60 seconds/minute

Using a calculator, this simplifies to:

8 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 = 4,838,400 seconds.

Therefore, 8 weeks is equivalent to 4,838,400 seconds.

To convert 8 weeks into seconds, we can use the following conversion chain:

1 week = 7 days (1 week has 7 days)
1 day = 24 hours (1 day has 24 hours)
1 hour = 60 minutes (1 hour has 60 minutes)
1 minute = 60 seconds (1 minute has 60 seconds)

So, the conversion can be written as follows:

8 weeks × 7 days/week × 24 hours/day × 60 minutes/hour × 60 seconds/minute

Now, let's calculate:

8 weeks = (8 × 7 × 24 × 60 × 60) seconds

8 × 7 = 56
56 × 24 = 1,344
1,344 × 60 = 80,640
80,640 × 60 = 4,838,400

Therefore, 8 weeks is equal to 4,838,400 seconds (rounded).

To convert 8 weeks into seconds, we can use a chain of conversions using familiar measures of time.

Step 1: Start with the given value of 8 weeks.

Step 2: Use the conversion factor that there are 7 days in a week. Multiply 8 weeks by 7 days/week to cancel out the weeks and leave us with the number of days.

8 weeks * 7 days/week = 56 days.

Step 3: Use the conversion factor that there are 24 hours in a day. Multiply 56 days by 24 hours/day to cancel out the days and leave us with the number of hours.

56 days * 24 hours/day = 1344 hours.

Step 4: Use the conversion factor that there are 60 minutes in an hour. Multiply 1344 hours by 60 minutes/hour to cancel out the hours and leave us with the number of minutes.

1344 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 80640 minutes.

Step 5: Use the conversion factor that there are 60 seconds in a minute. Multiply 80640 minutes by 60 seconds/minute to cancel out the minutes and leave us with the number of seconds.

80640 minutes * 60 seconds/minute = 4838400 seconds.

Therefore, 8 weeks is equal to 4,838,400 seconds.