During the- phase of problem solving a means-ends analysis is a very common heuristic


C- Preparation

The correct answer is C-Preparation.

During the preparation phase of problem solving, a means-ends analysis is a very common heuristic. A means-ends analysis involves breaking down a problem into smaller subproblems and identifying the differences between the current state and the goal state. By identifying these differences, one can then determine appropriate actions or steps to be taken to bridge the gap and reach the goal state. This heuristic helps in guiding problem-solving efforts by providing a structured approach and reducing the complexity of the problem at hand.

The correct answer is option C - Preparation.

To explain how to arrive at this answer, let's break down the question:

The question asks about a phase of problem solving where a means-ends analysis is a very common heuristic.

First, let's understand what means-ends analysis and heuristic mean:

1. Means-ends analysis: It is a problem-solving technique where the problem solver identifies the difference between the current state and the desired goal state, and then selects and performs actions that can reduce the difference, gradually moving closer to the goal state.

2. Heuristic: It is a mental shortcut or a rule-of-thumb that simplifies the problem-solving process and helps in making quick judgments or decisions. It is often used when the problem-solving process is complex or time-consuming.

Having understood these concepts, we can now identify the correct answer.

The phase of problem solving where means-ends analysis is a very common heuristic is the "preparation" phase. This phase typically involves gaining an understanding of the problem, gathering relevant information, and identifying potential solutions or strategies before moving on to the actual problem-solving process.

Hence, the correct answer is C - Preparation.