In round two, he lost seven points, which equation shows how many total points he has at the end of round two

If he starts with a certain number of points and loses seven points in round two, the equation that shows how many total points he has at the end of round two is:

Total points at the end of round two = Starting points - 7.

To find the total points at the end of round two after losing seven points, you need to subtract seven from the total points before round two. Let's denote the total points before round two as "x."

The equation would be:

Total points at the end of round two = x - 7

Therefore, the equation that shows how many total points he has at the end of round two is:

Total points at the end of round two = x - 7

To find the total points he has at the end of round two, we need to know the starting number of points and subtract the points lost in round two.

Let's say his starting number of points was "X". To find the total points at the end of round two, we need to subtract the points lost in round two from the starting number of points.

The equation to represent this is:
Total points at the end of round two = X - 7

Replace "X" with the actual starting number of points to get the final equation.