Which factor has the biggest impact on a credit score?

Question 2 options:

Type of credit

Length of Credit

Payment History

Amount Owed

Payment History

The factor that has the biggest impact on a credit score is payment history.

To determine which factor has the biggest impact on a credit score, we need to understand how credit scores are calculated. Credit scores are typically calculated using a statistical model called a credit scoring model, with the most commonly used model being the FICO score.

The FICO score, which is widely used by lenders, is calculated based on several factors, including the ones you mentioned: type of credit, length of credit, payment history, and amount owed. However, the weight or significance of each factor can vary for each individual, as credit scores are personalized and can be affected by various factors.

That being said, according to FICO, the most influential factor in determining a credit score is the payment history. Payment history generally accounts for about 35% of a FICO score. This factor reflects how consistently you've made payments on your credit accounts, such as loans and credit cards, and whether you have any missed or late payments.

The next significant factor is the amount owed, which typically accounts for about 30% of a FICO score. This factor looks at how much debt you currently owe compared to your available credit limit. It considers both the total amount owed and the utilization ratio (the percentage of available credit that you're using).

The length of credit history is another important factor, accounting for about 15% of a FICO score. It takes into consideration the age of your oldest account, the average age of all your accounts, and the length of time since you last used certain accounts.

Finally, the type of credit you have accounts for about 10% of a FICO score. This factor looks at the mix of credit accounts you have, such as credit cards, loans, mortgages, and retail accounts.

To summarize, while all of these factors contribute to your credit score, payment history has the largest impact, followed by the amount owed, length of credit history, and type of credit. However, it's essential to remember that everyone's credit situation is unique, and the exact weight of each factor may vary depending on individual circumstances.