Simplify the expression.

(34x−1)+(34x−2)(1 point)





The simplified expression is 3/2x - 3.

To simplify the expression (34x^(-1)) + (34x^(-2)), we can combine like terms.

First, we will deal with the x terms. The exponents on the x are -1 and -2 respectively. To combine these terms, we need to rewrite them with a common denominator.

Recall that x^(-1) is the same as 1/x and x^(-2) is the same as 1/(x^2).

So, the expression can be rewritten as:

(34/x) + (34/(x^2))

Now, we can combine the fractions. To do this, we need a common denominator, which in this case is x^2.

Multiplying the first fraction, 34/x, by (x^2)/(x^2), we get 34x/(x*x^2) = 34x/x^3.

So, now the expression becomes:

34x/x^3 + 34/(x^2)

Next, we can simplify this further. The term 34x/x^3 can be simplified by canceling out the common factor x in the numerator and denominator. Leaving us with 34/x^2.

So now the expression becomes:

34/x^2 + 34/(x^2)

We can add these two fractions together, as they have the same denominator.

The result is:

(34 + 34)/(x^2) = 68/(x^2)

Therefore, the simplified expression is 68/(x^2).

To simplify the expression (34x-1) + (34x-2), we need to combine the like terms.

First, distribute the 34 to both terms inside the parentheses:

34x - 1 + 34x - 2

Now, combine the like terms:

(34x + 34x) + (-1 - 2)

This simplifies to:

68x - 3

So, the simplified expression is 68x - 3.