Which of the following more problems faced by the English colonists at Jamestown? Select all that apply.

A. The colony employed, mini indentured servants and paying them was difficult
B. It’s settled in an unsecure location and we’re vulnerable to Spanish attack
C. The location of the colony me to life difficult for the settlers.
D. Settlers believe that farming was beneath them so they did not plant crops for the winter

B. It’s settled in an unsecure location and we’re vulnerable to Spanish attack

C. The location of the colony made life difficult for the settlers.

The correct options are:

A. The colony employed many indentured servants and paying them was difficult.
B. It settled in an insecure location and was vulnerable to Spanish attack.
C. The location of the colony made life difficult for the settlers.
D. Settlers believed that farming was beneath them, so they did not plant crops for the winter.

So, options A, B, C, and D are all correct.

To determine which of the problems faced by English colonists at Jamestown are correct, let's analyze each option:

A. The colony employed many indentured servants and paying them was difficult: This statement is true. Jamestown relied heavily on indentured servants for labor, but it was challenging to pay them due to financial difficulties.

B. It settled in an unsecure location and was vulnerable to Spanish attack: This statement is also true. Jamestown was located in an exposed and vulnerable position, making it susceptible to attacks by the Spanish and other European powers.

C. The location of the colony made life difficult for the settlers: This statement is also true. Jamestown was situated in a swampy and disease-prone area, resulting in harsh living conditions for the settlers.

D. Settlers believed that farming was beneath them, so they did not plant crops for the winter: This statement is not accurate. While the early settlers faced challenges with farming in the new environment, it was not because they believed it was beneath them. Rather, they encountered difficulties due to unfamiliarity with the local climate and lack of agricultural knowledge.

Therefore, the correct answers are:
A. The colony employed many indentured servants, making it difficult to pay them.
B. It settled in an unsecure location, making it vulnerable to Spanish attack.
C. The location of the colony made life difficult for the settlers.