During group discussion after the group assigns roles, it should be__.

Set a time limit
Agree on one idea
Gather ideas

During group discussion after the group assigns roles, it should be:

- Set a time limit: This helps ensure that the group stays focused and on task. It prevents discussions from dragging on indefinitely and helps allocate time for each member to present their ideas or perspectives.

- Agree on one idea: After gathering ideas, the group should discuss and analyze them in order to reach a consensus or agreement on which idea to pursue. This ensures that the group moves forward with a unified approach and avoids wasting time discussing multiple conflicting ideas.

- Gather ideas: Each member of the group should have the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas on the topic. This allows for a wider range of perspectives and can lead to more creative and innovative solutions.

- Reflect: After the discussion, it is important for the group to take some time for reflection. This could involve evaluating the effectiveness of the discussion, identifying any areas of improvement, and considering any additional ideas or points that may have been missed during the discussion. Reflection helps enhance future group discussions and decision-making processes.

During group discussion after the group assigns roles, it should be:

1. Set a time limit: It is important to establish a time limit for the discussion to ensure that everyone has a chance to participate and that the conversation stays focused and efficient.

2. Gather ideas: Encourage group members to share their ideas and opinions on the topic being discussed. This allows for a diverse range of perspectives and input.

3. Reflect: Take the time to think about and analyze the ideas that have been shared. Consider their feasibility, relevance, and potential impact. Reflecting on the different viewpoints can help the group make informed decisions or come up with creative solutions.

4. Agree on one idea: After all the ideas have been gathered and reflected upon, the group should aim to reach a consensus or agreement on one idea or course of action. This will lead to clarity and unity in moving forward with the discussion topic.

During group discussion after the group assigns roles, it should be a good practice to:

1. Set a time limit: Start by determining the duration of the discussion so that everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute and the discussion does not go on indefinitely. This ensures that the conversation remains focused and efficient.

2. Gather ideas: Encourage all group members to share their thoughts and ideas related to the topic being discussed. This allows for diverse perspectives and a wider range of solutions to consider.

3. Agree on one idea: Once all ideas are shared, the group can engage in a constructive conversation to evaluate and discuss the suggestions. The goal is to eventually reach a consensus on one idea or solution that everyone agrees upon.

4. Reflect: After the decision is made, it can be helpful to reflect on the entire discussion process. This involves discussing how effective the discussion was, identifying any challenges or areas for improvement, and ensuring that all members feel heard and valued.

By following these steps, the group can facilitate a productive and inclusive discussion, allowing for effective decision-making and collaboration among its members.