1.12 Organization structures (1)

a) Affect group behaviour more than individual behaviour
b) Change rapidly to meet environment and market changes
c) Contributes positively to organizational performance
d) Can be defined simply as activities that occur regularly

c) Contributes positively to organizational performance

The correct answer is: c) Contributes positively to organizational performance.

Organization structures refer to the framework and design of an organization, including how tasks are divided, roles and responsibilities are assigned, and how information flows within the organization. Organization structures are not simply activities that occur regularly, but rather the overall system that guides and influences the behavior and performance of individuals and groups within an organization.

While it is true that organization structures can affect group behavior, this statement is not a complete description of their impact. The impact of organization structures goes beyond just group behavior and also affects individual behavior within the organization.

While organization structures can change over time to adapt to the environment and market changes, they are not necessarily designed to change rapidly. Changes to organization structures often require careful planning and consideration to ensure they align with the overall goals and strategies of the organization.

The statement that organization structures contribute positively to organizational performance is the most accurate and complete description. A well-designed and effective organization structure can enhance communication, collaboration, and coordination within the organization, leading to improved performance and productivity.

To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to analyze each option and understand the concept of organizational structures.

Organizational structures refer to the way an organization is designed, both in terms of its hierarchical arrangement and the relationships between different departments or units. They provide a framework for how work is organized, who reports to whom, and how decisions are made.

a) Affect group behaviour more than individual behaviour: This statement suggests that organizational structures have a greater impact on group behavior rather than individual behavior. To verify this statement, you can review studies or research that focus on the influence of organizational structures on different levels of behavior.

b) Change rapidly to meet environment and market changes: This statement indicates that organizational structures can adapt quickly to changes in the environment and market conditions. To answer this, you can examine case studies or examples of organizations that have successfully adjusted their structures in response to changing circumstances.

c) Contributes positively to organizational performance: This statement implies that organizational structures have a positive impact on the overall performance of an organization. To validate this claim, you can look for research or evidence that demonstrates a correlation between well-designed structures and improved performance metrics.

d) Can be defined simply as activities that occur regularly: This statement defines organizational structures as regular activities. However, it does not accurately capture the concept of organizational structures. To dismiss this option, you need to understand that organizational structures involve the arrangement of roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships within an organization.

After considering each option, the correct answer is: c) Contributes positively to organizational performance.