From below, choose the answer that lists all of those features we can find at Stonehenge today.

(2 points)

the Trilithon Horseshoe, Sarsen Circle, and Timber posts
the Trilithon Horseshoe, Sarsen Circle, and Timber posts

the Trilithon Horseshoe, Sarsen Circle, and bluestones
the Trilithon Horseshoe, Sarsen Circle, and bluestones

the Trilithon Horseshoe, Sarsen Circle, and Aubrey holes filled with cremation deposits
the Trilithon Horseshoe, Sarsen Circle, and Aubrey holes filled with cremation deposits

the Trilithon Horseshoe, Sarsen Circle, bluestones and several large, specially arranged individual stones

the Trilithon Horseshoe, Sarsen Circle, bluestones and several large, specially arranged individual stones

The correct answer is:

the Trilithon Horseshoe, Sarsen Circle, and bluestones

The correct answer is:

the Trilithon Horseshoe, Sarsen Circle, and bluestones

To find this answer, you would need to have knowledge about Stonehenge and its features. Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England. It consists of several stone structures, including the Trilithon Horseshoe, Sarsen Circle, and bluestones. The Trilithon Horseshoe is a set of three large standing stones arranged in a horseshoe shape. The Sarsen Circle is a ring of large sarsen stones, while the bluestones are smaller stones that are believed to have been brought from Wales. These features can be observed at Stonehenge today.