an asteroid is heading toward mars at the rate of 7.7 x 10^4 mi./hr if the asteroid is 3.311x10^8 miles away from mars, how many hours will it be before it hits mars? write the answer in scientific notation expressed to the exact decimal place

To calculate the time it will take for the asteroid to hit Mars, we can use the formula:

Time (in hours) = Distance / Rate

Substituting the given values:
Distance = 3.311x10^8 miles
Rate = 7.7x10^4 mi./hr

Time = (3.311x10^8 miles) / (7.7x10^4 mi./hr)

Dividing the distances and subtracting the exponents, we get:
Time = (3.311 / 7.7) x 10^(8-4) = 0.429 x 10^4 = 4.29 x 10^3

Therefore, it will take approximately 4.29 x 10^3 hours before the asteroid hits Mars.

To find the number of hours it will take before the asteroid hits Mars, we can divide the distance between the asteroid and Mars by the rate at which the asteroid is moving towards Mars.

The distance between the asteroid and Mars is given as 3.311x10^8 miles.

The rate at which the asteroid is moving towards Mars is given as 7.7 x 10^4 mi./hr.

By dividing the distance by the rate, we can calculate the time it will take:
(3.311x10^8 miles) / (7.7 x 10^4 mi./hr)

To divide these numbers, we subtract the exponents:
(3.311/7.7) x 10^(8-4)

Simplifying the fraction gives:
0.429870 x 10^4

Converting to scientific notation gives:
4.29870 x 10^3

Therefore, it will take approximately 4.29870 x 10^3 hours for the asteroid to hit Mars.

To find the number of hours it will take for the asteroid to hit Mars, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Rate

Given that the distance between the asteroid and Mars is 3.311x10^8 miles and the rate of the asteroid is 7.7x10^4 mi/hr, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Time = (3.311x10^8 mi) / (7.7x10^4 mi/hr)

To simplify this calculation, we can divide the numbers separately and then multiply the exponents of 10:

Time = (3.311 / 7.7) x (10^8 / 10^4) hr

Simplifying further:

Time = 0.4293 x 10^4 hr

Now, to express the answer in scientific notation to the exact decimal place, we can rewrite it as:

Time = 4.293 x 10^3 hr