In which type of texture is the melody supported by an accompaniment?

• Monophony
• Homophony
• Polyphony
• None of the above

The correct answer is Homophony.

In the type of texture where the melody is supported by an accompaniment, it is called Homophony.

The type of texture in which the melody is supported by an accompaniment is called Homophony.

To arrive at this answer, let's break down the options:

Monophony refers to a musical texture with only one melodic line, where there is no accompaniment or harmony.

Polyphony refers to a texture with multiple independent melodic lines playing simultaneously, with each line having its own distinct musical shape or character.

Now, homophony is a texture in which there is a clear distinction between a melody and an accompanying harmonization. In homophonic texture, the melody is the prominent focus, while the accompaniment provides support and fills in the harmony. This is a very common texture in music, where the melody can be sung or played by one voice or instrument, with other voices or instruments providing the accompaniment.

Given this information, we can conclude that "Homophony" is the type of texture in which the melody is supported by an accompaniment.