What is the value of 6.9 - 2^0

The value of 2^0 is 1. Therefore, the expression 6.9 - 2^0 can be simplified as 6.9 - 1, which equals 5.9.

To calculate the value of 6.9 - 2^0, we need to first solve 2^0. The value of any number raised to the power of 0 is always 1. So, 2^0 is equal to 1.

Now, we can substitute this value back into the original expression:

6.9 - 1

Finally, subtract 1 from 6.9 to get the result:

6.9 - 1 = 5.9

Therefore, the value of 6.9 - 2^0 is 5.9.

To find the value of 6.9 - 2^0, we need to follow the order of operations, which is also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division - from left to right, Addition and Subtraction - from left to right).

First, we need to evaluate 2^0. Any number raised to the power of 0 is always equal to 1. Therefore, 2^0 = 1.

Now we can substitute this value back into the original expression: 6.9 - 1.

Finally, subtract 1 from 6.9: 6.9 - 1 = 5.9.

So, the value of 6.9 - 2^0 is 5.9.