In a giving you about 1.5×10^10 pieces of first class mail are delivered in the US if each piece of mail carries a stem costing 55 cents what is the total cost in dollars to deliver all the pieces right the answer and scientific notation Express to the exact decimal place

To find the total cost in dollars to deliver all the pieces of mail, we multiply the number of pieces (1.5×10^10) by the cost of each piece (55 cents).

First, convert 55 cents to dollars:
55 cents = 55/100 = 0.55 dollars

Now, multiply the number of pieces by the cost of each piece:
1.5×10^10 * 0.55 = 8.25×10^9 dollars

The total cost to deliver all the pieces of mail is 8.25×10^9 dollars.

To find the total cost of delivering 1.5×10^10 pieces of first-class mail, we can use the following formula:

Total Cost = Number of pieces × Cost per piece

Given that the number of pieces is 1.5×10^10 and the cost per piece is $0.55, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Total Cost = 1.5×10^10 × $0.55

To multiply two numbers in scientific notation, we multiply their coefficients and add the exponents. Therefore:

Total Cost = 1.5 × 0.55 × 10^10

Multiplying the coefficients gives:

Total Cost = 0.825 × 10^10

Since the question asks for the answer in scientific notation expressed to the exact decimal place, we can simplify this further:

Total Cost = 8.25 × 10^9 dollars

To find the total cost in dollars to deliver all the pieces of mail, we need to multiply the number of mail pieces (1.5×10^10) by the cost of a single piece of mail (55 cents). Here's how you can calculate it:

Convert the scientific notation into decimal form:
1.5 × 10^10 = 1.5 * 10,000,000,000 = 15,000,000,000

Multiply the number of mail pieces by the cost per piece:
15,000,000,000 * $0.55 = $8,250,000,000

The total cost, in dollars, to deliver all the pieces of mail is $8,250,000,000.
In scientific notation, it can be expressed as 8.25 × 10^9 dollars.