Which statement is true about transitions? (1 point)

• Transitions are found at the end of sentences.
• Transitions can also be called topic sentences.
• Transitions connect ideas for the reader.
• Transitions can make writing unclear to the reader.

• Transitions connect ideas for the reader.

The statement that is true about transitions is: Transitions connect ideas for the reader.

To determine which statement is true about transitions, we need to understand what transitions are and how they function in writing.

Transitions are words, phrases, or sentences that help to establish logical connections and smooth transitions between ideas in a piece of writing. They serve to guide the reader through the text and enhance the overall coherence and flow of the writing.

Let's evaluate each statement to see which one accurately describes transitions:

1. Transitions are found at the end of sentences.
This statement is not true. Transitions can be found at various points within a sentence, not just at the end. They can be used to connect ideas at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence.

2. Transitions can also be called topic sentences.
This statement is incorrect. Transitions and topic sentences are different concepts. A topic sentence is a sentence that expresses the main idea or focus of a paragraph, while transitions are used to connect ideas within and between sentences.

3. Transitions connect ideas for the reader.
This statement is true. Transitions help to establish logical relationships between ideas and guide the reader through the text. They allow for smooth transitions between sentences and paragraphs and help to ensure that the writing is coherent and easy to follow.

4. Transitions can make writing unclear to the reader.
This statement is incorrect. Transitions are meant to enhance clarity and understanding in writing. When used effectively, transitions can clarify the relationships between ideas and improve the overall readability of the text.

Based on the evaluation, the statement that is true about transitions is: Transitions connect ideas for the reader.