According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, kindergarten and elementary school teachers earn _____ per year with a bachelor’s degree, and the job growth is projected at ____ per year. The salary varies widely by state.

a. $56,900, 7%
b. $48,990, 7%
c. $38,900, 10%
d. $56,900, 3%

The correct answer is a. $56,900, 7%

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), kindergarten and elementary school teachers earn a yearly salary of $56,900 with a bachelor’s degree. However, the BLS projects a job growth rate of 3% per year for this profession. Thus, the correct answer is option d: $56,900, 3%.

To find the answer to this question, we can explore the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) website. The BLS is a government agency that provides labor-related statistics, including information on wages and employment projections.

To begin, we can search for the BLS website using an online search engine such as Google. Once on the BLS website, we can navigate to the section that provides data on occupational employment and wages.

In this case, we are specifically looking for information about kindergarten and elementary school teachers. We can use the search bar on the BLS website and enter "kindergarten and elementary school teachers" or similar keywords to find relevant information.

Upon finding the correct page or section, we can look for the specific data points mentioned in the question: the annual salary with a bachelor's degree and the projected job growth rate.

By examining the data and comparing it to the options provided, we can determine the correct answer. In this case, the correct answer is:

b. $48,990, 7%