Based on the chart, what major advantage did the colonists have over the British during the Revolutionary War?

(1 point)

colonists had more supplies than the British
colonists had more supplies than the British

colonists had European financial support
colonists had European financial support

colonists had a better knowledge of the land than the British
colonists had a better knowledge of the land than the British

colonists had more soldiers than the British

The correct answer is: colonists had a better knowledge of the land than the British

The correct answer is colonists had a better knowledge of the land than the British.

Based on the given options, the major advantage that the colonists had over the British during the Revolutionary War was that they had a better knowledge of the land than the British.

To arrive at this conclusion, you can analyze the provided options and eliminate the ones that do not fit. In this case, we can eliminate "colonists had more supplies than the British" and "colonists had European financial support" since they do not specifically address the advantage of knowledge of the land. Additionally, we can eliminate "colonists had more soldiers than the British" since it is not mentioned in the options provided.

Thus, the remaining option "colonists had a better knowledge of the land than the British" aligns with the major advantage that the colonists possessed.