2. Kepler determined that planets change their speed as they travel around the sun. This happens due to all of the following EXCEPT

1 point
The sun's gravity pulls against the planet's inertia in some places
The sun's gravity pulls with the planet's inertia in some places
The sun's gravity makes the planets slow as they get closer
The planets' orbits are elliptical

The sun's gravity pulls with the planet's inertia in some places

Kepler determined that planets change their speed as they travel around the sun. This happens due to all of the following except: The sun's gravity pulls with the planet's inertia in some places.

To determine the correct answer, we need to consider each of the options and eliminate the one that does not fit.

1. The sun's gravity pulls against the planet's inertia in some places: This statement is true. The gravitational force exerted by the sun can oppose the inertia of the planet, causing changes in speed.

2. The sun's gravity pulls with the planet's inertia in some places: This statement is also true. In certain points along its orbit, the gravitational force of the sun can act in the same direction as the planet's inertia, influencing its speed.

3. The sun's gravity makes the planets slow as they get closer: This statement is true as well. According to Kepler's laws, a planet moves slower when it is closer to the sun, and faster when it is farther away.

4. The planets' orbits are elliptical: This statement is also correct. Kepler's first law describes that the planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun.

To identify the answer that does not fit, we can eliminate option 4, "The planets' orbits are elliptical." The reason for this is that the change in speed of the planets as they travel around the sun is indeed influenced by their elliptical orbits. Therefore, the correct answer is: "The planets' orbits are elliptical."