What is 8.65 rounded to the nearest tenth?


To round 8.65 to the nearest tenth, you need to look at the digit in the hundredth place. In this case, the digit in the hundredth place is 6. When the digit is 5 or greater, you round up, and when it's less than 5, you keep the number as it is. Since 6 is greater than 5, you would round up. Therefore, 8.65 rounded to the nearest tenth is 8.7.

To find the answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Look at the digit in the hundredth place (the second decimal place) of the number. In this case, the digit is 5.

2. If the digit in the hundredth place is 5 or greater, you round up the digit in the tenths place. If the digit is 4 or less, you keep the digit in the tenths place the same.

3. In this case, the digit in the tenths place is 6, and the digit in the hundredth place is 5. Since 5 is 5 or greater, you round up the digit in the tenths place.

4. Rounding 8.65 to the nearest tenth, the digit in the tenths place (6) is rounded up to 7.

Therefore, 8.65 rounded to the nearest tenth is 8.7.