Analyze a way in which tribes located in Washington State are free from U.S. governmental control under the U.S.

Constitution. (1 point)

• Tribal courts on reservations are independent of the federal court system.
• Tribes must create a constitution for their tribe to be federally recognized.
• Tribal courts can adjudicate cases involving nonmembers on reservations.
• Tribes cannot be taxed by U.S. government entities like the Internal Revenue Service.

• Tribal courts on reservations are independent of the federal court system.

Tribes cannot be taxed by U.S. government entities like the Internal Revenue Service.

The correct answer is:

• Tribes cannot be taxed by U.S. government entities like the Internal Revenue Service.

To explain how tribes located in Washington State are free from U.S. governmental control under the U.S. Constitution:

In the United States, Native American tribes have a unique legal status. They are considered sovereign nations with a government-to-government relationship with the federal government. This means that they have certain rights and powers that are separate from and independent of the U.S. government.

One way in which tribes are free from U.S. governmental control is that they cannot be taxed by U.S. government entities like the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Native American tribes are generally exempt from federal income taxes and do not have to file tax returns with the IRS.

This exemption from taxation is based on the principle of tribal sovereignty. Tribal nations have the inherent authority to self-govern and make their own laws within their reservations. As a result, they are not subject to the same tax requirements as individuals or other entities within the United States.

It is important to note that while tribes are exempt from federal income taxes, they may still have their own taxation systems and may impose taxes on certain activities or individuals within their reservations. However, these tribal taxes are separate from and independent of the U.S. tax system.

In summary, the exemption of tribes from being taxed by U.S. government entities like the IRS is one way in which tribes located in Washington State are free from U.S. governmental control under the U.S. Constitution.