which of the following is a type of multimedia


A magazine article about ways to stay active
A magazine article about ways to stay active

the handwritten notes from a lecture
the handwritten notes from a lecture

the textbook edition of a Shakespearean play
the textbook edition of a Shakespearean play

a podcast included as part of an online news column

a podcast included as part of an online news column

The correct answer is:

A podcast included as part of an online news column

All of the options provided can be considered types of multimedia because they incorporate various forms of media.

1. A magazine article about ways to stay active: This type of multimedia combines written text with visual elements such as images, charts, and diagrams to present information in an engaging way.

2. Handwritten notes from a lecture: While handwritten notes may not include any additional visual elements, they still qualify as a type of multimedia as they represent a combination of text and non-verbal symbols.

3. The textbook edition of a Shakespearean play: This multimedia form typically includes the written text of the play itself along with supplementary materials such as images, commentary, footnotes, or explanatory notes.

4. A podcast included as part of an online news column: Podcasts are a form of multimedia that involves audio recordings of spoken content. In this case, a podcast is combined with an online news column to provide information in both written and auditory formats.

To determine which option is a correct answer to the question, it appears that options 1 and 3 are duplicate responses. Considering the remaining options, we can conclude that the podcast included as part of an online news column is a distinct type of multimedia from the others listed.