Systems of _ contributed to the economic development of early Japanese civilizations. A hunting and gathering, B Buddhism, C rice farming, D civil service. ONE ANSWER ONLY

C rice farming

C rice farming

The correct answer is C) rice farming.

To arrive at this answer, you can start by eliminating option A) hunting and gathering. Hunting and gathering is a basic subsistence technique and is not typically associated with economic development.

Next, you can eliminate option B) Buddhism. While Buddhism did have a significant impact on Japanese culture and society, particularly during the Asuka and Nara periods, it primarily relates to religious and spiritual beliefs rather than economic development.

Option D) civil service can also be eliminated. Although civil service is an important aspect of government administration, it does not directly contribute to economic development in the same way that agriculture or industry does.

Finally, we are left with option C) rice farming. Rice cultivation played a crucial role in the economic development of early Japanese civilizations. Rice was a staple food source, and its cultivation allowed for the development of surplus food production. This surplus led to the emergence of complex social structures, the rise of specialized labor, and the formation of settled agricultural communities. The growth of rice farming was a significant factor in the economic advancement of Japan during this time period.