Lucy sets up an investigation by placing a plastic bag over a plant. She secures the plastic bag so that it is completely sealed and nothing can enter. She observes the plant daily to see if it remains green and healthy.

Which TWO questions is her investigation designed to answer?

Can the plant perform respiration without a large supply of carbon dioxide?
Can the plant perform photosynthesis without a large supply of carbon dioxide?
Can the plant perform photosynthesis faster than a plant that is not sealed?
Can the plant perform respiration without a large supply of oxygen?
Can the plant perform respiration faster than a plant that is not sealed?
Can the plant perform photosynthesis without a large supply of oxygen?


Can the plant perform photosynthesis without a large supply of carbon dioxide?

Can the plant perform respiration faster than a plant that is not sealed?

The two questions Lucy's investigation is designed to answer are:

a) Can the plant perform respiration without a large supply of carbon dioxide?
b) Can the plant perform photosynthesis without a large supply of carbon dioxide?

The two questions that Lucy's investigation is designed to answer are:

b) Can the plant perform photosynthesis without a large supply of carbon dioxide?
d) Can the plant perform respiration without a large supply of oxygen?

To answer these questions, Lucy is observing the plant daily under a sealed plastic bag. By doing so, she is creating an environment that limits or eliminates the availability of carbon dioxide and oxygen.

If the plant remains green and healthy, it would suggest that it is able to perform photosynthesis without a large supply of carbon dioxide (question b) and respiration without a large supply of oxygen (question d).

Therefore, by monitoring the plant's condition over time, Lucy can draw conclusions about the plant's ability to carry out photosynthesis and respiration under restricted conditions.