Which statement correctly describes how hydrolysis causes chemical weathering?

A. Water reacts with minerals in rocks to prod carbonic acid weakening the rock.
B. Water reacts with carbon dioxide to produce carbonic acid weakening the rock
C. Water reacts with minerals in rocks to produce clay weakening the rock

C. Water reacts with minerals in rocks to produce clay weakening the rock

A. Water reacts with minerals in rocks to produce carbonic acid weakening the rock.

To determine which statement correctly describes how hydrolysis causes chemical weathering, let's examine each option:

Option A: "Water reacts with minerals in rocks to produce carbonic acid weakening the rock."
Option B: "Water reacts with carbon dioxide to produce carbonic acid weakening the rock."
Option C: "Water reacts with minerals in rocks to produce clay weakening the rock."

To find the answer, we should understand what hydrolysis and chemical weathering are:

Hydrolysis is a chemical reaction between water (H2O) and minerals in rocks, leading to the breakdown or alteration of those minerals. It usually involves the breaking of chemical bonds and the formation of new compounds.

Chemical weathering is the process of rock breakdown caused by chemical reactions. It alters the composition and structure of rocks over time.

Let's evaluate each option:

Option A states that water reacts with minerals in rocks to produce carbonic acid, weakening the rock. While the reaction between water and minerals can occur, this option confuses the product of hydrolysis with the statement of weakening the rock. It is important to note that carbonic acid itself does not directly weaken the rock significantly.

Option B indicates that water reacts with carbon dioxide to produce carbonic acid, weakening the rock. This statement is inaccurate because carbon dioxide alone does not directly weaken the rock through hydrolysis. However, carbon dioxide can combine with water to form carbonic acid, which can contribute to chemical weathering when combined with other reactions.

Option C claims that water reacts with minerals in rocks to produce clay, weakening the rock. This statement is correct. Hydrolysis can indeed cause the breakdown of minerals in rocks and transform them into clay minerals. This alteration weakens the rock structure, making it more susceptible to erosion and further weathering.

Therefore, the correct statement describing how hydrolysis causes chemical weathering is Option C: "Water reacts with minerals in rocks to produce clay weakening the rock."