Use scientific notation to compare these numbers: 12,740,876,635; 1,345,763,334; and 12,920,370,000, which has the greatest value?(1 point)


1.2740876635 times 10 superscript 10 baseline


1.345763334 times 10 superscript 9 baseline



To compare these numbers using scientific notation:

1.1240,876,635 can be written as 1.2740876635 × 10^10
2.345,763,334 can be written as 1.345763334 × 10^9
3.920,370,000 can be written as 1.292037 × 10^10

To compare these numbers, we need to compare the coefficients (1.2740876635, 1.345763334, and 1.292037). The number with the greatest coefficient has the greatest value.

In this case, 1.292037 is the greatest coefficient among the three numbers. Therefore, 12,920,370,000 (1.292037 × 10^10) has the greatest value.

To compare these numbers using scientific notation, we need to express them in the form of a number multiplied by 10 to the power of some exponent.

First, let's convert 12,740,876,635 to scientific notation. We need to move the decimal point until there is one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal point. In this case, we need to move the decimal point 10 places to the left, so the number becomes 1.2740876635 × 10^10.

Next, let's convert 1,345,763,334 to scientific notation. Again, we need to move the decimal point 9 places to the left, so the number becomes 1.345763334 × 10^9.

Lastly, let's convert 12,920,370,000 to scientific notation. We need to move the decimal point 10 places to the left, so the number becomes 1.292037 × 10^10.

Now, let's compare the exponents of these numbers. The first number has an exponent of 10, the second number has an exponent of 9, and the third number also has an exponent of 10.

Since 10 is larger than 9, the number 1.2740876635 × 10^10 has the greatest value among the given numbers.