A scientist performs an experiment by placing petroleum jelly on under side of plant leaves, which blocks the leaves’ stomata. Which result would the scientist observe?


The plant withers and dies.
The plant withers and dies.

The plant grows and thrives.
The plant grows and thrives.

The plant grows, flowers, and seeds
The plant grows, flowers, and seeds

The plant goes in hibernation

The plant withers and dies.

The scientist would observe that the plant withers and dies.

The scientist would observe that the plant withers and dies. This is because by placing petroleum jelly on the underside of the plant leaves, the stomata, which are responsible for regulating gas exchange, are blocked. Stomata allow for the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen, as well as the release of excess water vapor through transpiration. When these openings are blocked, the plant is unable to engage in proper photosynthesis, leading to a lack of nutrient and energy production for the plant. As a result, the plant will not be able to thrive and eventually wither and die.