Read the sentence from paragraph 15.

The mood in the room lightened instantly, and suddenly everyone was excited about the play.

What message does the author convey through the figurative language in the sentence?

The cast's constant complaints have pushed Jameel to pick a co-president.

The cast is celebrating Jameel stepping down as drama club president.

Jameel's decision to allow auditions immediately makes the cast happy.

Jameel has decided to change the play, which makes everyone happy.

C. Jameel's decision to allow auditions immediately makes the cast happy.

The author conveys through the figurative language in the sentence that Jameel's decision to allow auditions immediately makes the cast happy. (Option C)

To determine the message the author conveys through figurative language in the sentence, we need to analyze the sentence provided. Figurative language often uses words or expressions to convey a meaning beyond their literal interpretation.

The sentence states, "The mood in the room lightened instantly, and suddenly everyone was excited about the play." Here, the author uses the phrase "lightened instantly" as figurative language.

To interpret this figurative language, we can understand that "lightened instantly" indicates a shift from a heavier or more subdued atmosphere to a more positive and upbeat one. The author uses this figurative language to show a change in the emotional atmosphere of the room.

Considering this interpretation, the correct answer would be:

C. Jameel's decision to allow auditions immediately makes the cast happy.

Explanation: The figurative language suggests that the mood in the room improved dramatically, indicating a positive response to Jameel's decision to allow auditions for the play.