Mary's pitcher holds 1 7/8 quarts of water. Kelsey'` pitcher holds 3 1/2 quarts of water How many more quarts of water does Kelsey's pitcher hold than Mary's?

To find out how many more quarts of water Kelsey's pitcher holds than Mary's, we need to subtract the amount of water in Mary's pitcher from the amount of water in Kelsey's pitcher.

Amount of water in Mary's pitcher = 1 7/8 quarts
Amount of water in Kelsey's pitcher = 3 1/2 quarts

To subtract fractions, we need to ensure the denominators (the bottom numbers) are the same.

To make the denominators the same, we can convert the fractional part of each value to have a denominator of 8.

1 7/8 quarts = (8 x 1) + 7/8 = 8/8 + 7/8 = 15/8 quarts

Now we can subtract the amounts:

Kelsey's pitcher - Mary's pitcher = 3 1/2 - 1 7/8

To subtract fractions, we need a common denominator:

3 1/2 quarts = (8 x 3) + 1/2 = 24/8 + 1/2 = 25/2 quarts

Now we can perform the subtraction:

25/2 - 15/8 = (25 x 4) - (15 x 1) / (2 x 1) = 100/8 - 15/8 = 85/8

Therefore, Kelsey's pitcher holds 85/8 or 10 5/8 quarts more water than Mary's.

To find out how many more quarts of water Kelsey's pitcher holds than Mary's, we need to first calculate the amount of water each pitcher can hold.

Mary's pitcher holds 1 7/8 quarts of water, which can be rewritten as the improper fraction (15/8) quarts.

Kelsey's pitcher holds 3 1/2 quarts of water, which can be rewritten as the improper fraction (7/2) quarts.

To determine the difference between the two quantities, we subtract the amount of water Mary's pitcher holds from the amount of water Kelsey's pitcher holds.

(7/2) - (15/8)

First, let's find a common denominator to simplify the calculation. The least common multiple of 2 and 8 is 8, so we can convert the fractions to have a common denominator of 8.

(7/2) * (4/4) = (28/8)

(15/8) - (28/8)

Now, we can subtract the two fractions:

(15 - 28)/8 = (-13/8)

Therefore, Kelsey's pitcher holds (-13/8) quarts more than Mary's pitcher.

However, since we are dealing with a physical quantity (water), fractions with negative values do not make sense. So, we can conclude that Kelsey's pitcher does not hold more water than Mary's pitcher. In fact, Mary's pitcher holds (13/8) quarts more than Kelsey's pitcher.