What is one theme of the story?

It is important to be thoughtful about how one spends one's time.

Family is always more important than one's outside activities.

Pursuing the arts will bring joy and happiness to one's life.

It is essential to find a passion in order to be sure one loves one's work.

A. It is important to be thoughtful about how one spends one's time.

The one theme of the story is D. It is essential to find a passion in order to be sure one loves one's work.

To determine the theme of a story, you need to closely analyze the plot, characters, and overall message conveyed by the author. Look for recurring ideas, motifs, or lessons that are explored throughout the story. Read the text carefully and take note of any significant events, character developments, or conflicts.

In this case, we can begin by looking at the options provided:

A. It is important to be thoughtful about how one spends one's time.
B. Family is always more important than one's outside activities.
C. Pursuing the arts will bring joy and happiness to one's life.
D. It is essential to find a passion in order to be sure one loves one's work.

Now, go back to the story and analyze the narrative. Look for evidence or instances that support or suggest a particular theme. Consider how the characters' actions, decisions, and interactions relate to the options provided.

Once you've gathered enough evidence from the story, you can make an informed judgment about the theme. Choose the option that best aligns with the evidence and message conveyed by the story as a whole.