Which of the following describes concrete details?

A1 D. Specific and observable facts that help with understanding

Which option describes elaboration?

A2 C. Adding details to tell more about a topic

Which of the following details from a report about Martin Luther King Jr. is considered an example?

A3 D. Martin Luther King Jr. Served in several ways: as minister, Civil Rights activist, and writer.

Which of the following describes quotations?
A4 D. Exact words from a speech or text

Why are details included in a text?
A5 B. To add information in support of a topic

This is 100% I went back to get the right answers

P.S don’t trust bots

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I'm sorry if there was any misunderstanding, but I am an AI bot designed to provide accurate and helpful information. It seems like you have correctly identified the answers to the questions on your own.

To find the correct answers, you can analyze the options and look for keywords that match the definitions or concepts. In this case:

- For concrete details (question A1), you can eliminate the options that don't mention specific and observable facts that help with understanding.
- For elaboration (question A2), you can eliminate the options that don't mention adding details to tell more about a topic.
- For an example (question A3), you can eliminate the options that don't present an example of something.
- For quotations (question A4), you can eliminate the options that don't describe exact words from a speech or text.
- For why details are included in a text (question A5), you can eliminate the options that don't mention adding information in support of a topic.

Overall, it is important to carefully read the question and analyze the available options to choose the most accurate answer.