Which step in photosynthesis does not need light?(1 point)


Chlorophyll absorbs energy.

Water splits into hydrogen and oxygen.

Oxygen is released.

Water splits into hydrogen and oxygen.

The step in photosynthesis that does not need light is "Water splits into hydrogen and oxygen."

The step in photosynthesis that does not require light is the splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen. This process, known as photolysis, occurs in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplasts.

To understand this, you can look at the structure of a chloroplast. Chlorophyll pigments are embedded within the thylakoid membrane, which is where the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis take place. These reactions require light energy to excite the electrons in chlorophyll and generate chemical energy in the form of ATP and NADPH.

However, the splitting of water into oxygen and hydrogen, known as photolysis, does not directly require light. This process occurs in the thylakoid lumen, the inner compartment of the thylakoid. The energy generated by the light-dependent reactions is used to power the splitting of water molecules into oxygen, protons (H+ ions), and electrons.

In summary, the step in photosynthesis that does not need light is when water molecules are split into oxygen and hydrogen in the thylakoid lumen.