Which European nation lists Gold, God, and Glory as its reasons for exploration? (1 point) Responses France France Spain Spain Italy Italy Great Britain


The European nation that lists Gold, God, and Glory as its reasons for exploration is Spain.

The correct answer is Spain. Spain is the European nation that lists Gold, God, and Glory as its reasons for exploration.

To find this answer, you can use several methods. One way is to utilize an internet search engine and type in the question. The search engine will then provide you with information on which European nation had these reasons for exploration.

Another way is to consult historical documents or textbooks that discuss the Age of Exploration. These sources will provide you with information on the motivations and goals of various European countries during that time. By reviewing these documents, you will discover that Spain, in particular, emphasized the pursuit of wealth (Gold) through the discovery of new trade routes and resources, the spread of Christianity (God) by converting indigenous people, and the desire for fame and national pride (Glory) through the exploration of new lands.