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Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.

Emperor Taizong stabilized China’s government by

(1 point)

A. Implementing a civil service examination system.

B. Dividing China into provinces.
C. Establishing a strong military force.
D. Promoting the use of paper money.

implementing a merit-based civil service system.

To complete the sentence, let's break it down and analyze the options one by one:

1. (A) expanding China's territory
2. (B) implementing a civil service examination system
3. (C) promoting Confucianism as the state religion
4. (D) increasing the power of the nobility

Now, let's evaluate each option to determine which one best fits the context of Emperor Taizong stabilizing China's government.

A) Expanding China's territory: Although territorial expansion could be seen as a way to strengthen a government, it does not directly relate to stabilizing the government itself.

B) Implementing a civil service examination system: This option seems more plausible as it focuses on establishing a method to recruit qualified officials based on their abilities and knowledge, which could contribute to a more efficient and stable governance system.

C) Promoting Confucianism as the state religion: While religion can play a role in fostering unity and moral values, it does not inherently stabilize a government.

D) Increasing the power of the nobility: Granting more power to the nobility could potentially create instability, as conflicting interests and power struggles may arise.

Based on this analysis, the option that best fits the context is (B) implementing a civil service examination system.