Which type of propaganda is the following poster using is it testimonial plain folks, bandwagon or name-calling

Unfortunately, there is no poster provided in your query. Please provide the relevant information or description of the poster so I can assist you in identifying the type of propaganda being used.

To determine which type of propaganda the poster is using, we need to analyze its content and message. As an AI text-based model, I am unable to visually see the poster or its specific context. However, I can provide you with a brief description of the three types of propaganda you mentioned, and you can analyze the elements of the poster to make your own determination.

1. Testimonial: This type of propaganda involves using endorsements or testimonials from well-known individuals or experts to promote a specific cause, product, or idea. It aims to persuade the audience by associating the message with someone credible or admired.

2. Plain Folks: Plain folks propaganda seeks to present the message as being relatable and accessible to ordinary people. It often uses images or language that appeals to the everyday person, creating a sense of familiarity and trustworthiness.

3. Bandwagon: Bandwagon propaganda is designed to create a perception that everyone is doing or supporting something, suggesting that it must be the right thing to do. It aims to persuade by appealing to people's desire to fit in or be part of a popular trend.

Without specific details about the poster, it is difficult to definitively determine which type of propaganda it uses. However, by analyzing its content, language, imagery, and the overall message, you can make an educated guess about which type it aligns most closely with.

To determine the type of propaganda used in a poster, you need to analyze the specific elements of the poster and identify the propaganda techniques employed. Let's break down the three techniques you mentioned to help you understand how to differentiate them.

1. Testimonial: This technique involves using a well-known or respected person to endorse a product, idea, or cause. Look for indications that the poster features a prominent individual expressing support or making statements appealing to their credibility.

2. Plain Folks: This technique aims to make the message relatable to the average person by presenting the subject as someone just like them. The poster may emphasize qualities such as humility, simplicity, or common ground to establish a connection with the audience.

3. Bandwagon: This technique tries to persuade people to join a cause or support an idea by suggesting that everyone else is already doing so. Look for messages or imagery that conveys a sense of popularity, social acceptance, or the idea that "everyone is doing it."

Without seeing the specific poster you are referring to, it's challenging to determine the exact propaganda technique used. However, you can examine the content of the poster, including any images, statements, or endorsements, to decipher the underlying technique. Pay attention to any emotional appeals, persuasive language, or attempts to manipulate public opinion.