Of the following choices, which ones influenced the emergence of opposing political parties? Select all that apply.

(1 point)

1. mounting pressure from Britain to further establish government
2. increase in the distribution of newspapers
3. differences in opinion on how much power federal government should have
4. looming threat of war with France

2. increase in the distribution of newspapers

3. differences in opinion on how much power federal government should have
4. looming threat of war with France

To determine which choices influenced the emergence of opposing political parties, let's analyze each option:

1. Mounting pressure from Britain to further establish government: It is unlikely that mounting pressure from Britain directly influenced the emergence of opposing political parties in the United States.

2. Increase in the distribution of newspapers: The increase in the distribution of newspapers had a significant impact on the emergence of opposing political parties. The availability of printed media allowed for the spread and exchange of different political ideas and perspectives, contributing to the formation of opposing parties.

3. Differences in opinion on how much power the federal government should have: This is another influential factor that led to the emergence of opposing political parties in the United States. Varying perceptions on the appropriate level of federal government power fueled debates and division, leading to the formation of parties with opposing viewpoints.

4. Looming threat of war with France: While the threat of war with France might have influenced certain foreign policies or decisions, it is less likely to have directly contributed to the emergence of opposing political parties in the United States.

Based on this analysis, the choices that influenced the emergence of opposing political parties are:

- Increase in the distribution of newspapers
- Differences in opinion on how much power the federal government should have

Therefore, options 2 and 3 are the correct answers.

To determine which choices influenced the emergence of opposing political parties, let's analyze each option:

1. Mounting pressure from Britain to further establish government: This option may have influenced the emergence of opposing political parties. To confirm, you can gather historical information about the relationship between Britain and the emerging government to identify if this pressure led to divisions among political groups.

2. Increase in the distribution of newspapers: This option may have also influenced the emergence of opposing political parties. The growth of newspaper circulation can lead to the spread of different viewpoints and contribute to the formation of distinct political factions. Researching the historical context and the impact of newspapers during the time can help you verify this.

3. Differences in opinion on how much power federal government should have: This option likely played a significant role in the emergence of opposing political parties. Discrepancies in opinions regarding the extent of federal government power can result in the formation of distinct parties with varying ideologies. Understanding the historical debates and conflicts related to the federal government's authority will help you confirm this.

4. Looming threat of war with France: While the looming threat of war with France might have had some impact on political discourse and decision-making, it is less likely to be a direct influence on the emergence of opposing political parties. However, it's always beneficial to gather historical evidence to validate this.

Once you have analyzed the historical context and information related to each choice, you can determine which options influenced the emergence of opposing political parties.