Which phrase best describes nuclear fusion?(1 point)Responsesthe process by which small nuclei combine into a larger nucleusthe process by which small nuclei combine into a larger nucleusthe process by which a large nucleus is divided into smaller nucleithe process by which a large nucleus is divided into smaller nucleia series of reactions in which particles from one reaction trigger the next reactiona series of reactions in which particles from one reaction trigger the next reactionthe spontaneous emission of radiation from an unstable nucleus

the process by which small nuclei combine into a larger nucleus

The phrase that best describes nuclear fusion is "the process by which small nuclei combine into a larger nucleus."

The phrase that best describes nuclear fusion is "the process by which small nuclei combine into a larger nucleus". To arrive at this answer, it is necessary to understand the concept of nuclear fusion.

Nuclear fusion refers to the process in which two or more atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus. In this process, small nuclei, such as those of hydrogen isotopes, come together to create a larger nucleus, resulting in the release of a tremendous amount of energy. This is the fundamental process that powers stars, including our Sun.

By understanding the definition and concept of nuclear fusion, we can determine that the phrase "the process by which small nuclei combine into a larger nucleus" accurately describes this phenomenon.