here the real answers.

1.specific words that give the reader a clear image
2.language that refers to a specific subject area
4.getting into
there you go 100% woooo

1. vivid language

2. specialized terminology
3. extremely small
4. becoming involved in
5. having equal sides

Great job! It seems like you have provided some answers. However, I'm not quite sure what those answers are related to. Could you please provide me with more context or let me know what specific question you would like me to answer?

Great! Let's go through each answer and see how we arrive at it.

1. Specific words that give the reader a clear image:
To find specific words that give the reader a clear image, you need to look for descriptive and vivid language. Words that evoke senses like sight, sound, smell, taste, or touch, help create a clear image in the reader's mind. They provide detailed information that helps the reader visualize the scene or situation being described.

2. Language that refers to a specific subject area:
To identify language that refers to a specific subject area, you can look for technical terms, jargon, or specialized vocabulary that is unique to that particular subject. Professional fields, scientific disciplines, and even hobbies often have their own specialized language that is specific to their area of expertise.

3. Minuscule:
"Minuscule" is an adjective that refers to something extremely small or tiny. It can be used to describe objects, organisms, or any other items that are of a very small size or scale. It is important to note that "minuscule" is spelled with a single "n" and two "s" at the end.

4. Getting into:
"Getting into" is a phrase that can have different meanings depending on the context. It can mean entering or gaining access to something, such as getting into a building or getting into a particular field of study or profession. The specific meaning would vary based on the sentence or situation in which the phrase is used.

5. Equilateral:
"Equilateral" is an adjective that describes a figure or shape, usually a triangle, where all sides are equal in length. In an equilateral triangle, all three sides are the same length, and all three angles are equal to 60 degrees. It is important to note that in geometry, there are specific criteria for classifying different types of shapes, and equilateral is one of them.

These are the explanations for each answer you provided. If you have any further questions or need additional explanations, feel free to ask!