How many feet are in 25 meters? There are about 3.28 feet in 1 meter. (1 point) Responses 75 feet 75 feet 21.72 feet 21.72 feet 7.6 feet 7.6 feet 82 feet

The correct answer is 82 feet.

To convert meters to feet, you need to multiply the meter value by the conversion factor, which is 3.28.

Therefore, 25 meters is equal to 25 * 3.28 = 82 feet.

To convert meters to feet, you can use the conversion factor of approximately 3.28 feet in 1 meter.

So, to convert 25 meters to feet:

25 meters * 3.28 feet/meter = 82 feet

Therefore, there are 82 feet in 25 meters.

To calculate how many feet are in 25 meters, we need to know the conversion factor from meters to feet. The given information states that there are about 3.28 feet in 1 meter.

So, to find out the number of feet in 25 meters, we multiply 25 by the conversion factor:

25 meters * 3.28 feet/meter = 82 feet

Therefore, the correct answer is 82 feet.