4 The newest John Deere combine machine can harvest 180 acres of wheat in 6 hours. How many acres will be harvested in 10 hours?(1 point) acres

5 Carpet Cleaning Pros charges $40 per room to clean, and Spot on Cleaning charges $300 to clean six rooms. List the cost per room of the less-expensive company.(1 point) $/room

6 A truck drives 120 miles and uses 5 gallons of gasoline. How far could the truck drive with 7 gallons of gasoline?(1 point) Responses 86 miles 86 miles 840 miles 840 miles 168 miles 168 miles 24 miles

7 The finch population in an area increased by 75 finches in 3 years. How many finches did the population grow by each year?(1 point) finches

8 What is the longest length: one yard, one kilometer, one meter, or one inch?(1 point) Responses one meter one meter one kilometer one kilometer one inch one inch one yard

9 Which measurement is used in the metric system?(1 point) Responses mile mile gallon gallon yard yard kilogram

9 kilogram

Step 4: To find the number of acres that will be harvested in 10 hours, we can set up a proportion.

If the newest John Deere combine machine can harvest 180 acres of wheat in 6 hours, then the ratio of acres harvested to hours is 180 acres / 6 hours.

To find the number of acres harvested in 10 hours, we can set up the proportion:

180 acres / 6 hours = x acres / 10 hours

Cross multiplying, we get:

6 hours * x acres = 180 acres * 10 hours

Multiplying, we get:

6x = 1800

Dividing both sides by 6, we get:

x = 300

Therefore, the newest John Deere combine machine will harvest 300 acres in 10 hours.

Step 5: To determine the cost per room of the less-expensive company, we need to compare the prices of Carpet Cleaning Pros and Spot on Cleaning.

Carpet Cleaning Pros charges $40 per room to clean.

Spot on Cleaning charges $300 to clean six rooms.

To find the cost per room of Spot on Cleaning, we can divide the total cost by the number of rooms:

$300 / 6 rooms = $50 per room

Therefore, the cost per room of Spot on Cleaning is $50.

Since $40 is less than $50, the cost per room of Carpet Cleaning Pros is less expensive.

Step 6: To find out how far the truck can drive with 7 gallons of gasoline, we need to set up a proportion.

If the truck drives 120 miles and uses 5 gallons of gasoline, then the ratio of distance traveled to gallons of gasoline is 120 miles / 5 gallons.

To find out how far the truck can drive with 7 gallons of gasoline, we can set up the proportion:

120 miles / 5 gallons = x miles / 7 gallons

Cross multiplying, we get:

5 gallons * x miles = 120 miles * 7 gallons

Multiplying, we get:

5x = 840

Dividing both sides by 5, we get:

x = 168

Therefore, the truck can drive 168 miles with 7 gallons of gasoline.

Step 7: To find out how many finches the population grew by each year, we need to divide the total number of finches grown by the number of years the population increased.

If the finch population in an area increased by 75 finches in 3 years, then the ratio of finches increased to years is 75 finches / 3 years.

To find out how many finches the population grew by each year, we can divide the total number of finches grown by the number of years:

75 finches / 3 years = x finches / 1 year

Cross multiplying, we get:

3 years * x finches = 75 finches * 1 year

Multiplying, we get:

3x = 75

Dividing both sides by 3, we get:

x = 25

Therefore, the population grew by 25 finches each year.

Step 8: The longest length is one kilometer.

One kilometer is longer than one meter, one yard, and one inch.

Step 9: The measurement used in the metric system is kilogram.

The metric system uses the kilogram as the standard unit of measurement for mass. The other options (mile, gallon, yard) are not used in the metric system.

To solve these questions, we will go one by one:

4) The newest John Deere combine machine can harvest 180 acres of wheat in 6 hours. To find out how many acres will be harvested in 10 hours, we can set up a proportion equation:
180 acres / 6 hours = X acres / 10 hours
Solving for X, we can cross-multiply:
6 * X = 180 * 10
X = (180 * 10) / 6
X = 300 acres

5) Carpet Cleaning Pros charges $40 per room to clean, and Spot on Cleaning charges $300 to clean six rooms. To find out the cost per room of the less-expensive company, we'll divide the total cost by the number of rooms cleaned:
Cost per room = Total cost / Number of rooms
The cost per room for Carpet Cleaning Pros is $40.
The cost per room for Spot on Cleaning is $300 / 6 = $50.

6) A truck drives 120 miles and uses 5 gallons of gasoline. To find out how far the truck could drive with 7 gallons of gasoline, we can set up a proportion equation:
120 miles / 5 gallons = X miles / 7 gallons
Solving for X, we can cross-multiply:
5 * X = 120 * 7
X = (120 * 7) / 5
X = 168 miles

7) The finch population in an area increased by 75 finches in 3 years. To find out how many finches the population grew by each year, we'll divide the total increase by the number of years:
Finches growth per year = Total increase / Number of years
The finch population grew by 75 finches / 3 years = 25 finches per year.

8) To determine the longest length among one yard, one kilometer, one meter, and one inch, we can compare their values:
1 yard = 3 feet = 36 inches
1 kilometer = 1000 meters
1 meter = 39.37 inches
1 inch = 1/36 yard
Comparing the values, we see that one kilometer is the longest length.

9) The measurement used in the metric system is the kilogram.