Use the following image to answer the question.

Three examples, two in treble and one in bass clef, show notes changing based on sharps and flats.
The first staff is a treble clef staff. It shows an E half note followed by a downward arrow that is pointing to a D-sharp half note.

The second staff is a bass clef staff. It shows an F half note following by an upward arrow that is pointing to an F-sharp half note.

The third staff is a treble clef staff. It shows a G half note followed by an upward arrow that is pointing to an A-flat half note.

In what way are the notes changing?
(1 point)

by a whole step
by a whole step

by a half step
by a half step

by a mixture of whole and half steps
by a mixture of whole and half steps

by sharps only

The notes are changing by a mixture of whole and half steps.

The notes in the examples are changing by a mixture of whole and half steps.

By looking at the image, we can see that the notes are changing by a mixture of whole and half steps. On the treble clef staff, the E half note is followed by a downward arrow pointing to a D-sharp half note, which is a half step lower. On the bass clef staff, the F half note is followed by an upward arrow pointing to an F-sharp half note, which is a half step higher. Lastly, on the treble clef staff again, the G half note is followed by an upward arrow pointing to an A-flat half note, which is a whole step lower. Therefore, the notes are changing by both whole and half steps.