In which asian country was a fascist style economy also attempted as a result of the Great Depression?

The fascist style economy that was attempted as a result of the Great Depression was in Japan. In the 1930s, the Japanese government implemented a series of economic policies known as the "Showa Statism" or "Japanese fascism," influenced by European fascist ideologies, particularly Italy. Under this system, the government took control of key industries, adopted protectionist measures, pursued expansionist policies, and promoted the idea of a self-sufficient and militaristic state. This economic model aimed to combat the effects of the Great Depression and strengthen Japan's position as a regional power.

The Asian country where a fascist-style economy was attempted as a result of the Great Depression is Japan.

To determine the Asian country where a fascist-style economy was attempted as a result of the Great Depression, we can follow these steps:

1. Understand the concept of a fascist-style economy: A fascist-style economy refers to an economic system characterized by heavy state control, central planning, and a corporatist framework in which the government collaborates closely with businesses to achieve national economic goals.

2. Identify the timeframe: The Great Depression occurred primarily in the 1930s, so we should focus on this period.

3. Research Asian countries affected by the Great Depression: During the Great Depression, several Asian countries, including Japan, China, and India, experienced significant economic hardships.

4. Analyze each country: Among these countries, Japan stands out as the nation where a fascist-style economy was attempted.

- In Japan, during the early 1930s, the government implemented policies that combined elements of nationalism, militarism, and state control over industry and commerce, suggesting a fascist-inspired economic model.

- The government's aim was to mobilize resources, promote industrialization, and achieve economic self-sufficiency under a corporatist framework known as the "Showa Statism" or "Japanese-style fascism."

- The government's control was exerted through various means, such as large-scale infrastructure projects, tight regulations, and collaboration with business leaders.

Thus, the answer to the question is Japan.