Which property of exponents was used to generate the equivalent expression 3 with power 14 from with power 5 over 3 - power of 9 only the property of negativity exponents only the product of rule of exponents the property of negative exponents in the property rule of exponents only the power rule of exponents

The property of the power rule of exponents was used to generate the equivalent expression.

The property of the power rule of exponents was used to generate the equivalent expression.

The property of exponents that was used to generate the equivalent expression 3 to the power of 14 from (3 to the power of 5) divided by (3 to the power of 9) is the Quotient Rule of exponents.

The Quotient Rule states that when dividing two expressions with the same base, you can subtract the exponents.

In this case, we have (3 to the power of 5) divided by (3 to the power of 9). Since the base is the same (which is 3), we can apply the Quotient Rule and subtract the exponents:

3^5 / 3^9 = 3^(5 - 9) = 3^(-4)

Therefore, the expression (3 to the power of 14) is equal to 3 to the power of -4, which is equivalent to 1 divided by 3 to the power of 4.